Bobby’s Story
Pets can bring such joy to our lives. They have the ability to lift our mood with a single look, provide companionship, protection and much more. Most people looking for a new pet don’t consider adopting a senior animal or one with a serious illness. We understand—you want to have as much time as possible with your pet and experience them in their prime. After reading about Bobby aka Bump, we hope you will change your mind.
It’s Never Too Late for a New Beginning

Bump’s Bump!
Bobby came to us as “Bump”, named for the large, angry-looking, oozing growth on his hind end. The growth hadn’t been treated for quite some time and was understandably a source of discomfort for Bobby. Despite this, he perked up a great deal when he was taken outside in the sunshine.
The Diagnosis
Our number one concern was that Bobby’s bump was cancerous. We took him to the vet immediately and surgical removal was scheduled for two weeks later. Following surgery, the growth was sent for biopsy, while everyone crossed their fingers. Sadly, our worst fear was recognized: it was an extraskeletal osteosarcoma – cancer normally found in the bone and rarely appears in tissue. The cancer would very likely return. At best guess, he had only 6 months to a year left to live.
What’s Next?
Bobby was moved immediately to foster care with Beth Giddings, where he could receive the necessary attention and palliative care. We were hopeful he would find a home but weren’t overly optimistic due to the fact that Bobby was both senior and had a terminal illness. To our surprise and delight, we received an application within a month! It was from Betsy Semones, a wonderful lady who had adopted Charlie the senior German Shepherd from us 8 months prior. We couldn’t have been happier. Betsy states, “I wanted to adopt Bobby (Bump) because of the beautiful spirit I saw in his eyes.”
A New Beginning

Betsy with Bobby and Charlie
Bobby is positively thriving in his new home! In Betsy’s words:
“Bobby is doing so well. He plays with Charlie. They love bounding through the snow. Bobby certainly loves balls, and could fetch all day!”
“Bobby likes toys that squeak, roll, or that can be chewed on. He loves peanut butter in a Kong. He and Charlie share the dog beds in the house. Bobby is quite food and toy motivated. He will sit in front of the upper cabinet where I have stashed his balls, etc. to give him a break. He will sit and wait for a longtime for me to notice that he is waiting.”
Bobby loves the country and is voice responsive off leash. Out in the fields he “quarters” an area looking for birds or good smells. He is gaining strength. It is wonderful to watch that dog run, he can run like a bullet! He will find anything to play with, sticks, rocks, etc. He has helped Charlie be playful. They are great buddies now. Bobby travels well in the car.”
As far as palliative care, Betsy reports that Bobby isn’t on any pain medication at the moment but will be monitored by the vet every two to three months.
Consider Adopting a Senior Dog!
In Betsy’s own words:
“Give a senior dog a chance! I have adopted/ fostered several, and it seems that seniors know they’ve gotten a second chance and are grateful for a loving home. My dogs have brought such joy, and they have lovable qualities, loyalty, calmness, and so happy to be with their person! And no chewing! Adopting a senior dog is a great gift you can give, opening your home to a dog that has lost everything familiar. Love them, and they will give so much back. Senior dogs can hike, camp, snowshoe, travel, and just hangout. Never underestimate the amazing qualities a senior has and the love they will bring you. They are mellow (not like a puppy)!”
“ A nation can be judged by how well they treat their animals.” Mahatma Ghandi
Thank you to Dr Trexler-Myren of All Creatures Animal Hospital, to the members of our Inmate program who cleaned Bobby’s wound daily, to Beth Giddings for her foster care, and most of all to Betsy for opening her heart and home to Bobby, knowing his condition was terminal.
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Your Comments
That is sooooo cute Bobby is the sweetest dog and happy that he got an amazing home