Lister at the hospital
PAWS annual SPAY-ghetti Dinner
FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH – 5PM – while supplies last
Each year PAWS issues hundreds of Spay and Neuter certificates to area residents. What does that mean? A certificate from PAWS allows a pet owner to spay their pet at a very reduced rate and PAWS covers the rest of the cost. This not only benefits the pet owner and keeps the number of unwanted accidental litters down, but it greatly benefits the health of the animal as well.
Monday, Nov 6th is our annual SPAY-ghetti Dinner – Drive-thru! Spaghetti with choice of red meat sauce or white sauce with chicken and broccoli, Caesar salad, garlic bread, and tiramisu!
Enter from the north on Central at First United Methodist Church: a car-hop will take your order, collect your donation, go to the kitchen to fulfill your order, and deliver back to your car.
Thank you to out generous sponsor: Dakota Exopy
So often we see lost dogs and cats who’s only form of identification is a rabies tag. While we highly recommend putting your pet’s name and your phone number on their collar, that isn’t always the case. A rabies tag number is only good for identification if the vet’s office is open (which is only 23% of the possible hours your pet is lost).
PAWS Animal Rescue wants to help you and your pet find each other safely. We have started a database of rabies tag numbers and physical descriptions optional for all area pet owners to enter their information on. The information will remain private; accessible only to Pierre Police Department dispatch should someone call in your found animal and a PAWS representative who will maintain the database and look for matches should we be contacted.
For years, we had a dream: big, beautiful building that would provide shelter and care to the homeless, unwanted, and abandoned cats and dogs in our community. In 2012, after years of wishing, fundraising, and planning, the dream became a reality.
The facility has since then provided a home to thousands of cats and dogs in the area. Unfortunately, the unavoidable deteriorating effects of Mother Nature has caused quite a BIG problem. Our beloved building that saves so many animals in need is in danger of sliding down into the ravine! Hauling rocks by the 5 gallon bucketfuls back to the top is a daily occurrence, just for them to slide back
We have been planning, speculating and trouble shooting for years on how to fix this daunting and potentially disastrous occurrence, and finally we have devised a plan to build a large retaining wall to levy up the east side of the property to halt any further progress downward into the ravine. So now we have the plan, the specs and the timeline-the only thing left is support from you!
We are blessed to live in a community that has shown time and time again that they will support us in our mission.
The total cost is estimated is $40,000. At 25% of our annual operating budget, this is not something we can do alone. And right now, keeping the building erect and functioning at full speed is the number one objective! Sponsorship of this project is available in many levels to fit any budget. Please find our donation form here: Stop the Slide commitment form
Let’s face it – 2020 has been a tough year for everyone. Even the animals in our care have had a bummer of a year. We’ve had to cancel and modify fundraisers, close the shelter to visitors for Open Hours, and limit the playmates that come to socialize with the animals. We’ve seen pretty significant decreases in income for these reasons, but we are looking to change that! We would like to end 2020 on a bright note, raise a little money, and give our supporters an opportunity to purchase a gift that not only will delight the recipient but will help the shelter and it’s residents too!
Introducing the PAWS Animal Rescue Keepsake Ornaments! This ornament will not only brighten the recipient’s tree but the lives of our shelter pets too! The ornament will be packaged in a padded envelope and include a hand written card letting them know that a donation was made by you in their honor to PAWS. If you would like to take care of the shipping yourself; the card and packaging will be left blank.
To purchase, please complete the form below and continue to PayPal to pay for your order. If you would like more mailed ornaments than the form allows, please submit two forms but add the total together in PayPal Thank you for your support!
Please click here to visit PayPal to complete purchase
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Each year, millions of women, children, and men are victimized by their intimate partners or family members. Unfortunately, to maintain the power and control in an abusive relationship, the abuser may turn their violence on a family pet. PAWS and MSDVC are joining together to shed some light on this unique barrier to seeking safety.
Join in the fun of our Awareness Walk! Spend a beautiful Saturday morning near the river and get some exercise, all while helping raise money and awareness for the Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center and PAWS Animal Rescue!
Vaccinated and well-socialized dogs are encouraged to attend!
When: Saturday, October 17th from 9 a.m – Noon. Program and walk begin at 10am.
Where: Walk starts and ends at the Steamboat Amphitheater.
Visit PAYPAL to complete registration
Questions? Contact:
Jen Uecker at [email protected]
Fall is in the air and you know what the means – PAWS Turkey Dinner! Monday, Sept 14th is our annual Turkey Dinner with a free will donation benefiting PAWS Animal Rescue. Usually we invite everyone to join us IN the hall. This year we’re adapting to the times and going drive-thru style! Same great food, same great cause, new modified format. Follow the signs at the AMERICAN LEGION CABIN: a car-hop will take your order, collect your donation, go to the kitchen to fulfill your order, and deliver back to your car. Thank you for your continued support!
If you would like to help provide ingredients and/or supplies for the dinner, please use the following link to select your donation. Thank you! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0F4DACAC28A5FA7-paws2
Our Fiesta Dinner will look a little different this year but we still plan on providing the same great food for a great cause! We will be set up as a drive-thru on the south side of the FUMC. You will have 2 choices for dinner options and a “car-hop” will take your to-go order and bring it back to your car. Meals include a drink and dessert!
Mark your calendars and join us for our Italian dinner with delicious food and desserts. Free will donation with all proceeds benefitting our shelter animals. Carry out available! Serving: A variety of pasta dishes, salad, bread and lots of desserts!
Pi’s adoption story began in January when PAWS Animal Rescue volunteer, Kay, told her coworker about Pi, and his struggles to fit in with the other cats because he was different. Pi came to PAWS Animal Rescue in September of last year when he was found by Pierre Animal Control with a major injury: he was missing his right rear foot below the ankle. Pi’s story stole the heart of Kay’s coworker, Jenna. She was ready to adopt Pi that very minute. Jenna had been telling her boyfriend, Brock, for years that she wanted to adopt a cat, so she scheduled an appointment to meet Pi. By this time, Pi was now living with his foster parent, Molly. Molly had been helping him recover from a recent infection in his leg. Due to location of his injury, it was prone to bumps on the ground.
After just one visit, Brock was convinced to add Pi to their family, and they began the adoption process. Pi was adopted on February 8th to join his new doggy sisters, Lucy (pug-beagle mix) and Remy (Yorkshire terrier). By the second day in his new home, Pi was already sitting on the couch with his family and snuggling up with the dogs for nap time. He quickly found his favorite spot in the front window with a good view of the bird feeder.
As a young adolescent cat, Pi loves playtime with his toys and running around the house with the dogs. Sometimes playing too hard resulted in Pi hurting his leg. After several weeks, it was apparent that his injury could never heal 100 percent. So on April 8th, Pi had surgery to remove the lower portion of his leg. Having lived with only 3 feet nearly all his life, recovery and adapting from his surgery occurred almost overnight. Now, three weeks since his surgery, Pi is getting around better than ever. He runs and plays with no more injuries to his leg.
Pi is the sweetest boy in the world. He loves to play with his doggy sisters and cuddle with them for naps. Every night, he curls up next to Lucy at bed time. Some people have asked Brock and Jenna why they adopted a three-legged cat. Not only did they fall in love with him; their decision to adopt Pi was further influenced because they know the difficulties that shelters face to find families for pets that sometimes aren’t perfect. Pi’s family is grateful for the advice and services of Dr Christina Fisher who has cared for Pi since the beginning and is also the owner of a tripod cat. Brock and Jenna are so happy to have Pi in their life. He has been a wonderful addition to their family. If you’d like to see more of Pi and his adventures, be sure to follow him on Instagram @lifewithpi_3.14.
Sally saw Koda’s letter and wanted to write one for herself. Please read and share!
Mark your calendars and join us for our annual spaghetti supper with delicious food and desserts. Free will donation with all proceeds benefitting our shelter animals. Carry out available! Serving: Spaghetti and penne pasta, meat and meatless sauce, green beans, bread and lots of desserts!
Looking for something fun to do this weekend? Everyone is invited to the 3rd Annual East Pierre Garden Center Festival and Paws will be there!
We’ll be bringing along some of our current dogs and selling fun items to raise money for the shelter! Check out details of the event below, along with a sneak preview of some of the items we will be offering!
When: Saturday October 20th, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Where: East Pierre Garden Center, 5400 E. SD Hwy 34, Pierre
Fees: Free admission!
Kix came to us through a good samaritan who found him wandering as a stray. He was only 10 weeks old. His skull had been fractured in several places with infected wounds, likely from having his head bitten by a larger dog when he was still a tiny puppy. The wounds had already started to heal, which means nothing can be done to correct his deformity. He has gone through a tough time, battling infection with a series of antiobiotics and warm wet compresses to drain the wounds. The alternative was to drill a hole through his skull and sinus bone to attempt to drain the green discharge, which could have killed him.
Kix is already doing so much better but he needs further medical treatment. A stent will be placed in the nasolacrimal duct draining tears from the eye. It appears to have been damaged from the original injury and subsequent infection. Again, some of the damage is likely to be permanent. We would like to raise $750 towards Kix’s treatment and continued care. Paws is a 501(c)(3) non profit and all proceeds will go towards Kix.
Paws Animal Rescue is our business name but we are registered as the Pierre-Fort Pierre Area Humane Society Inc., so all donations through Paypal go directly to us. Kix is currently on medical hold and not available for adoption. Thank you all in advance for your much-needed and valued support.
Searching for a great Christmas present for a loved one? Or just looking to treat yourself? Take part in this year’s Great Grill Giveaway, valued at over $1100. Drawing will be held on December 20th and your presence isn’t required at the drawing to win. At just $10 an entry and all proceeds going to Paws, what do you have to lose?
The Prize:
Ways to Enter:
A huge thank you to Karl’s, Lynn’s Dakotamart and CHOPS or Pierre for their sponsorship of this giveaway. It would not be possible without you!
The shelter is full to the brim and as much as we love them, we have pups that have been in there for far too long. Unbelievably, they have had very few or zero inquiries about them! For that reason, we are currently offering half price adoption fees for the following adorable pooches:
Check out our Adoption Process and Apply Online today.
On January 1st 2017, we posted the story “A Call for Help,” asking for donations to cover surgery for Lister, an injured puppy found at the side of the road on one of the coldest nights of 2016. We thought it was about time to post a recap and follow up with lots of pictures and information on Lister and his sister, Kristine.
On a freezing, wintery night in December 2016, we received a call from a fellow dog rescuer about two black lab puppies in need of help. They were around six months old, one male and one female. The male had an injury to his leg and the female had managed to alert nearby residents by laying alongside him, crying. No owners could be found.
One of our volunteers drove out of town to pick up the dogs, who huddled together for comfort on the back seat. At this point, the volunteer named them Lister and Kristine and took them straight to All Creatures Animal Hospital in Pierre. Dr Trexler-Myren and her staff stayed long past closing time to help. The doctor determined that Lister had a fractured tibia and required surgery. A splint temporarily stabilized the fracture and the operation was scheduled for New Year’s Eve. Lister would stay at the hospital while Kristine was taken home by the same volunteer for some comfort and cuddles.
In order to pay for Lister’s surgery and after care, we appealed for donations on Facebook and the Paws website. Supporters generously donated $2200 and the surgery took place as planned. The procedure lasted several hours, during which time a pin was used to hold the two bone fragments in place and external fixators stabilized the leg.
Lister spent the next 8 weeks in hospital, with movement restricted as much as possible to allow his leg to heal. This proved quite difficult due to the fact that Lister was extremely energetic and wanted desperately to release his pent up puppy energy. By the end of the 8 weeks he was released to the shelter, mentally ready to run a marathon. He proved to be one of our most rambunctious dogs, despite his disability.
By the time Lister was released, Kristine had been thriving in foster care and was adopted by a wonderful family. We were so impressed with the way the children were with Kristine, it was clear it was the right fit. Kristine became Krissy Mae and her new mom, Amy, regularly sends updates on her well being. Here are some of the wonderful stories and pictures we have received:
“Krissy is such a sweet girl! We absolutely could not ask for a better dog! So one story on Krissy’s sweetness: Copper (Krissy’s new canine sibling) and Krissy were rough housing and Krissy ended up ramming me in the gut and I let out an ‘OOW!’ Krissy stop playing instantly and lowered herself down, just looking at me with apologetic eyes. When I told her it was OK and reached out my hand she slowly crept up to me, put her nose/head under my chin and kind of gave me a hug around my neck with her neck, and lay in my lap for about 2 mins, apologizing……….. She about brought me to tears.”
“Not that we let our girls, but she let’s them do absolutely what ever they want to her and she just looks at them with love. Our youngest (1.5) and her have a game, Ella slowly puts her finger up to Krissy’s mouth and Krissy slowly and gently gets them. Think when you ‘nibble’ a little ones fingers. Ella just giggles and giggles. Krissy is sooo obedient! So much so, we have to be cares using certain words like ‘crate.’ I’m talking to my husband and say something like, ‘did you get the crate blanket washed?’ Krissy hears the word crate and goes right to it and lays down. Or the very second we call her over to love on her, she’s there, and that’s for any of us!”
“She gave us a scare a week ago when she got herself bitten by a rattle snake, but she was a champ and pulled through and we were so relieved when she did! She has two levels of energy. When she’s inside she’s nothing but lazy (and sweet) and when she’s outside, she’s non stop running (and hunting). We love her to pieces! Thank you Paws for trusting her with us!”
Finding a home for Lister took much longer – another 5 months altogether. We did everything we could to find the right fit for him. He was adopted once and returned due to his boisterous behavior. On July 22nd, Matt Bowman traveled from Rapid City to meet Lister and quickly made the decision to take him home. We couldn’t have been happier! Matt plays baseball and has quite the pitching arm, plus a huge fenced in yard – Lister’s dream home!
Matt’s mom, Lori, recently sent an update and some pictures to show how Lister has progressed:
“Matt said he traveled to Rapid City very well and he had no problems adjusting to us or the house. Lister sleeps with me in my bed every night because that is where he decided he was sleeping the minute he arrived. I have never allowed animals on the furniture or beds, but when I would try to move him off of my bed, I couldn’t so I gave up and let him sleep with me.”
“Matt’s other dog, Trigger, and Lister are inseparable. They play, fight, pick on each other and watch out for each other just like kids. Lister will not even eat his food until he sees that I have given food to Trigger. Lister has learned to sit, shake, lay down and fetch. Matt has gotten him to ‘speak.’ It is weird, Lister does not bark when he speaks, he makes a weird noise like he really is talking. Matt asks him ‘what did you say’ and Lister shakes his paw at him and ‘speaks.’ Lister will give me hugs, but no one else. He actually jumps up, puts both paws around my neck, and rubs his head in my neck [just like his sister!]. He does this on his own, we did not teach him to give hugs.”
“Lister loves to go for car rides. Lister has been with me driving around Rapid City, in the hills and even went for a three-day trip to Sioux Falls with me.”
“Having Lister has been a blessing. We have really enjoyed him. When Matt left your shelter that day, he called me and said ‘God meant for us to have Lister because he was there for a long time and no one else wanted him. God was saving him for us. You would not believe all the stuff they gave me and on top of that he was half price.'”
Thank you to our volunteers, fellow animal rescuers, donors, veterinarians, supporters and everyone involved in helping animals on a daily basis. There are so many ways for you to help – donate, volunteer, foster, educate others, or simply share a Facebook post that helps find an animal a home.
E. Main Ave, Fort Pierre
We have a special case that requires your help. Sierra has been with us for 6 months now and has come along in leaps and bounds (quite literally). She has a lot of love to give and although we provide as much attention and care as possible at the shelter, it isn’t the same as being in a loving, settled home of her own. We know the right home for her is out there and each day we come a step closer to finding it.
Sierra is a one and a half year old female husky/lab mix. She has come so far! She came to us from a reservation with a broken pelvis and scars from past injuries The most noticeable scar runs from the center of her chest, behind her left front leg and almost to the top of her shoulder. Her pelvis has healed and so has her soul. Sierra was not a submissive dog but is now quite fond of belly rubs! She will belly up when playing with others dogs too.
Sierra loves people and is a little rambunctious when showing her affection. Care should be taken with small children and the elderly as she might knock someone over. Proper care should be used when introducing her to other pets. Sierra is your girl if you are looking for fun, love and activity.
What we are looking for is a special someone who will take Sierra in and provide the exercise, love, patience and environment that a dog like her needs. Are you that person or do you know of someone who could be? Please share this post, ask around or contact us if you know someone who will fit the bill.
All our shelter animals are special. Occasionally, we like to share a story about one particular animal to make you smile and show how grateful we are for all our supporters.
Baron was picked up as a stray wandering the town. He had the calmest, sweetest disposition right off the bat. At our best guess, he was around 9 years old, so he was well into his senior years for a large Rottweiler mix. He loved attention from all the volunteers, but you could tell he had some difficulty with mobility. At times, he preferred to receive affection without ever rising from his soft dog bed. He also had some extensive dental issues and preferred soft, canned food to his normal doggy kibble.
A trip to the vet for a dental and some anti-inflammatory medication soon put Baron on the path to comfort. His eating and mobility improved immensely. He was always the first to greet you sweetly at the kennel door with a smile on his face. He would let you know when he was ready to come in from the outside dog yard with one single, deep “woof”.
Once his pain was managed and mobility improved, Baron was the king of walking politely on a leash. Although he was one of our larger dogs, weighing in at around 90 pounds, Baron just never could muster enough courage to manipulate the doggy door to get into and out of his kennel. It was always an endearing joke with our volunteers and staff, that you had to push open the half pound doggy door flap for the biggest dog in our facility.
Being a senior, we anticipated it would take time to find Baron the ideal home. Thanks to the power of positive thinking and the internet, Baron found his forever home much sooner than expected. It started with a Facebook post shared by a volunteer, showing Baron’s picture and expressing anger at the abandoning of a senior dog. Jill Schimkat Moody happened to see that post and became aware that a senior Rottweiler was available for adoption at Paws. Shortly after, Jill saw a post from a friend of hers, Jymmy Kay Cox, looking for a senior Rottweiler. A few text messages later and the ball was rolling. The next step was getting Baron transported 1039 miles to Jymmy Kay’s ranch in Gonzales, Texas. No problem!
Jill’s boyfriend, Wayne Deal, owns a trucking company. He made a couple of phone calls, found some loads that would get him to Texas and was able to deliver Baron to Jymmy Kay’s front door. Wayne made the trip as easy as possible for Baron, stopping to eat, potty, and play. He even stayed there an extra day to make sure Baron would bond with Jymmy Kay and not feel abandoned.
Baron was welcomed into Jymmy Kay’s home, joining her little dogs, cats, horses, and even a deer! She says Baron plays well with all, except the deer. Evidently, he got too close to the blueberries and the deer got the best of him. Jymmy Kay says that he sleeps by her and follows her everywhere, but knows to stay when she tells him to. He keeps an eye on the happenings around her place and even woke her the night her mare foaled!
In Jymmy Kay’s words, “It’s really amazing how well he fits in. Could not be more perfect. I am forever grateful.”
Jymmy Kay is a busy woman with a heart of gold. She is a real estate agent, TV personality, motivational speaker, professional barrel racer…the list goes on. We at Paws Animal Rescue are so grateful to her for giving Baron an amazing home during the final chapters of his life. Baron was the epitome of a gentle giant – a true gentleman and favorite of all our volunteers during his time at Paws. We also hope that Baron’s story will encourage people to adopt a senior or special needs dog. They are unbelievably loving and loyal and will make your heart smile.
Next Monday, May 21st from 5 pm – 8 pm we will have a fundraiser at Pizza Ranch. For every dine-in, carry out or delivery ordered or paid for between those times, we will receive a percentage of sales. Please support Paws Animal Rescue and get great food at the same time.
Remember not to order or pay for dine-in until 5:00 pm for it to count. Thank you!
We need your help! Cassidy needs surgery to fix her entropic eyelids. This is a condition where the eyelids turn inwards, so the skin and lashes rub painfully against the cornea. Cassidy also has hypothyroidism, anaemia and mange. We don’t know how long Cassidy has been in this condition – all we know is that she was found wandering at large with her brother, Sundance, sometime after their owner passed away. We would like to raise $500 towards the treatment but it will likely cost more over time.
Cassidy is on medical hold but will be available for adoption following that. She is a 5 year old mixed breed and absolutely precious, gentle and sweet. Thank you in advance for your continued support of Paws Animal Rescue!
On Monday May 14th from 5:30 – 7 pm we will be serving terrific tacos, remarkable rice, best beans ever, nourishing nachos and decadent desserts! See you at the American Legion Cabin in Pierre!
April is Volunteer Appreciation month and we could not let that go by without celebrating our volunteers who give selflessly to our homeless pets. All volunteers and employees of Paws Animal Rescue, Pierre SD are invited.
Saturday, April 28th from 9 am – 10:30 am
Paws Animal Rescue Conference Room
We would love to see you stop by for a doughnut and coffee. We want to say THANK YOU!!!
Last month, we shared the story of Bobby, a beautiful, vibrant soul that came to us with a large, cancerous tumor on his hind end. At best guess, he had 6 months to a year left to live. Despite this, Bobby was adopted by Betsy Semones on January 6th, who wanted nothing more than to give Bobby the unconditional love he deserved.
Bobby spent three, wonderful months with Betsy and Charlie, his canine sibling, before he passed away last week. His final days were spent playing in the snow with Charlie, hiking, and, of course, playing fetch. Always playing fetch.
Everyone who encountered Bobby expressed disbelief that his body was riddled with cancer. He never once let on that he was ill, until his very last moments. He was an unwavering ambassador of love and hope.
Bobby will always be in Betsy’s heart, as well as the hearts of all those who had the privilege of meeting him.
Read Bobby’s Story and see more pictures here.
Paws Animal Rescue wants to remember and honor the life of Marilyn Tassler. Marilyn had Paws in her heart and left a portion of her estate to Paws Animal Rescue. She also asked that all memorials be directed to Paws.
We want to say THANK YOU Marilyn Tassler. Because of the kindness shown by Marilyn, we will be able to complete some of the many projects at Paws that better the lives of our homeless pets while they stay with us.
Here is Marilyn’s obituary from Isburg Funeral Chapels:
Marilyn Tassler
(July 31, 1946 – December 8, 2017)
Marilyn Tassler, 71 of Pierre, died Friday, December 8 at Pierre Care and Rehab. She was born July 31, 1946 in Watertown, SD to H.M. “Buzz” and Mary Harvey. In 1967 she moved to Pierre.
Marilyn worked for Anderson’s Clothing, Dakotamart, Tipton’s Hardware and JcPenney’s where she retired in 2012.
She enjoyed her flowers, yard, the river and the Lewis and Clark Trail where she would ride her bike and walk her dog. She also enjoyed spending time watching and feeding the birds, making bird houses, and spending time with her Red Hat Friendship Girls. She loved spending time with her grandson and her dogs that shared her life.
Marilyn is survived by her brother Charles Harvey of Leesburg, FL; grandson Alex Halligan and his father Mark Halligan of Brandon; adopted grandson Levi of Sioux Falls and two nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents and daughter Laura.
She requested no funeral service or memorial service and any memorials may be directed to Paws Animal Rescue, 1530 N Lowell Ave. Pierre, SD 57501.
Pets can bring such joy to our lives. They have the ability to lift our mood with a single look, provide companionship, protection and much more. Most people looking for a new pet don’t consider adopting a senior animal or one with a serious illness. We understand—you want to have as much time as possible with your pet and experience them in their prime. After reading about Bobby aka Bump, we hope you will change your mind.
Bobby came to us as “Bump”, named for the large, angry-looking, oozing growth on his hind end. The growth hadn’t been treated for quite some time and was understandably a source of discomfort for Bobby. Despite this, he perked up a great deal when he was taken outside in the sunshine.
Our number one concern was that Bobby’s bump was cancerous. We took him to the vet immediately and surgical removal was scheduled for two weeks later. Following surgery, the growth was sent for biopsy, while everyone crossed their fingers. Sadly, our worst fear was recognized: it was an extraskeletal osteosarcoma – cancer normally found in the bone and rarely appears in tissue. The cancer would very likely return. At best guess, he had only 6 months to a year left to live.
Bobby was moved immediately to foster care with Beth Giddings, where he could receive the necessary attention and palliative care. We were hopeful he would find a home but weren’t overly optimistic due to the fact that Bobby was both senior and had a terminal illness. To our surprise and delight, we received an application within a month! It was from Betsy Semones, a wonderful lady who had adopted Charlie the senior German Shepherd from us 8 months prior. We couldn’t have been happier. Betsy states, “I wanted to adopt Bobby (Bump) because of the beautiful spirit I saw in his eyes.”
Bobby is positively thriving in his new home! In Betsy’s words:
“Bobby is doing so well. He plays with Charlie. They love bounding through the snow. Bobby certainly loves balls, and could fetch all day!”
“Bobby likes toys that squeak, roll, or that can be chewed on. He loves peanut butter in a Kong. He and Charlie share the dog beds in the house. Bobby is quite food and toy motivated. He will sit in front of the upper cabinet where I have stashed his balls, etc. to give him a break. He will sit and wait for a longtime for me to notice that he is waiting.”
Bobby loves the country and is voice responsive off leash. Out in the fields he “quarters” an area looking for birds or good smells. He is gaining strength. It is wonderful to watch that dog run, he can run like a bullet! He will find anything to play with, sticks, rocks, etc. He has helped Charlie be playful. They are great buddies now. Bobby travels well in the car.”
As far as palliative care, Betsy reports that Bobby isn’t on any pain medication at the moment but will be monitored by the vet every two to three months.
In Betsy’s own words:
“Give a senior dog a chance! I have adopted/ fostered several, and it seems that seniors know they’ve gotten a second chance and are grateful for a loving home. My dogs have brought such joy, and they have lovable qualities, loyalty, calmness, and so happy to be with their person! And no chewing! Adopting a senior dog is a great gift you can give, opening your home to a dog that has lost everything familiar. Love them, and they will give so much back. Senior dogs can hike, camp, snowshoe, travel, and just hangout. Never underestimate the amazing qualities a senior has and the love they will bring you. They are mellow (not like a puppy)!”
“ A nation can be judged by how well they treat their animals.” Mahatma Ghandi
Thank you to Dr Trexler-Myren of All Creatures Animal Hospital, to the members of our Inmate program who cleaned Bobby’s wound daily, to Beth Giddings for her foster care, and most of all to Betsy for opening her heart and home to Bobby, knowing his condition was terminal.
Mark your calendars! Monday March 12th 5pm – 7pm. Have you ever eaten at one of our suppers before? We guarantee you won’t be disappointed! Hot, fresh food and a selection of amazing desserts for whatever amount you wish to donate. Take out and second helpings available! What do you have to lose?!
Rio, Joan Jett and Crash are all ready for their forever homes! These fur babies love people – especially ones that give them massages, Kongs filled with peanut butter and let them snooze in the sun.
They can be picky with who they choose as their dog friends, but they love the people at Paws, including respectful children. They would prefer to spend their time jogging or wrestling with energetic dogs of their choosing, since they are quite energetic. They need a house full of soft beds, people who like snuggles, and yummy treats!
Check out Rio, Joan Jett and Crash on our Available Pets page or stop by to meet them during open hours.
Do you have 15 minutes to one hour to spare once a week? Or even once a month? We need you. More than ever.
We are currently finding it very difficult to fill volunteer shifts for canine care. We have one board member (volunteer) responsible for coordinating the schedule each week. If no one volunteers, they are left to shoulder the responsibility, twice a day if need be. They also have full-time jobs.
Shifts involve letting the dogs out to go “potty”, feeding them and cleaning up after any messes. We understand that the task isn’t glamorous, but it is needed to provide the basic level of care for each dog. This is vital to their health and well-being. Most of the dogs are potty trained and relieve themselves outside. You can cuddle and love on the dogs as much as you like (unless there are medical or other issues preventing this, of course).
Volunteering for a worthy cause can be a very rewarding experience. Instead of spending that hour watching a rerun of CSI or scrolling through Facebook posts, we hope you’ll consider helping out at the shelter. Contact Us to volunteer today. Thank you all for your continuing support of Paws Animal Rescue!
Paws Animal Rescue is very proud of the communities we live in – Pierre and Fort Pierre, SD. We are able to give our homeless pets the best care possible because of all the support we get from local businesses. Whether it is a donation of money, services or products — or a discount — it all adds up to BIG savings so we can continue to provide the excellent health care, food, and facility for our animals. We want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!
It is always scary to try and mention everyone that has done so much good for us. I apologize if I have missed a business but as you can see, our list is quite extensive. Again, thank you!
Brenda Manning, President & Paws Board of Directors
Left to Right: Secretary Jenna Schiefelbein, Vice-President Melita Hauge, Board Member Jennifer Uecker, President Brenda Manning, Treasurer Betty Truax holding the payoff check, Board Member David Voeltz, and Board Member Molly Jahraus.
As of today, we now own our building at Paws Animal Rescue, Pierre SD. The entire Board of Directors delivered the check to BankWest this afternoon.
There were a lot of hoots, howls and applause as the check was handed to the teller. It happened again when we were handed the final payoff notice.
Thank you to everyone who supports Paws Animal Rescue. We have amazing volunteers, inmates, donors, veterinarians, sponsors, members and help from the community and local businesses. Without all of you, we could not have paid off the building early.
We are always out there hustling and trying to not only pay the monthly operating costs of running a shelter, but to be able to do the extra projects we have accomplished. The greatest accomplishment of them all is now paying off the building!
Check out this infographic from Beck Motors!
Source: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/general-pet-care/cold-weather-safety-tips
Exposure to winter’s dry, cold air and chilly rain, sleet and snow can cause chapped paws and itchy, flaking skin, but these aren’t the only discomforts pets can suffer. Winter walks can become downright dangerous if chemicals from ice-melting agents are licked off of bare paws. To help prevent cold weather dangers from affecting your pet’s health, please heed the following advice from the ASPCA’s experts:
Shop for everyone on your gift list this holiday at smile.amazon.com/ch/46-0461504 and Amazon donates to Pierre-Fort Pierre Area Humane Society Inc (Paws Animal Rescue).
How to Change Your AmazonSmile Charitable Organization to Paws (Pierre-Fort Pierre Area Humane Society):
For more information about the AmazonSmile program, go to http://smile.amazon.com/about.
It’s about that time of year when you need to begin looking for holiday gifts, and it just so happens that Pierre has the perfect place for you to start. Check out the Zonta Holiday Craft Show this weekend and stop by our booth!
Saturday November 11th, 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday November 12th, 10 am – 3 pm
Ramkota Hotel Pierre
920 W Sioux Ave, Pierre, South Dakota 57501
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